25 Traits a Recruiter Must Look for While Hiring Fresh Graduates via Campus Placement

“Hire character, train skill” – Peter Schutz. Today, India has become a global player in areas including pharmaceuticals, information technology, data analytics, etc. with big names seeking out the best and brightest candidates for their global teams. 

In recent times, the trend of employment has changed drastically. Every year at least 1.3 million graduates pass-out in India alone. But as per a few sources, only 20-30% are company-ready or employable. The critical reasons for this small percentage being ‘ready-to-use’ for key industries can be listed out as below:

  • Technological transformationWith the advancement in technology in every domain, the nature of jobs is changing significantly. Diversified and novel jobs have come into existence, which requires specific skill set and technological know-how. This trend is expected to continue in the future with robotics, Artificial intelligence, cloud computing, Machine Learning, etc.
  • Gap between industry requirements & skillset As per the report of the National Sample Survey Office, the rate of unemployment was high in 2017-2018, with approximately 11 million students being unemployed. The primary factor that led to this scenario is the gap between skill & market requirements. Students pay attention to either outdated skills or focus on those techniques which would be of use in future but not in the present.  
  • Economic factorsFor companies to expand, it is essential for them to recruit candidates who can contribute to the growth of the company. Organisations are no more interested in hiring and paying job aspirants who are incapable of contributing to the company’s revenue. 

Today, while several fresh graduates acquire job by attending walk-ins and off-campus interviews, 25% of the graduates obtain the desired job via campus placement.

In the present time, campus placement plays a vital role in students’ lives as well as for educational institutes. While a good placement record provides a competitive edge to the educational institution. On the other hand, it helps students acquire a job without facing the real-world job struggle and build a strong foundation for the professional career ahead. 

There is no iota doubt that in addition to student and institution, organisations hiring candidates via campus placement get benefitted in terms of acquiring the right fit for their team. Although each company has its own hiring parameters, there are several other key qualities a recruiter must consider while hiring job seekers through campus placement.

  1. Quicker learners – Candidates with quick learning ability can develop expertise in elements required for a particular job profile. This minimises the training period as well as the amount spent on the training. 
  2. Interpersonal & communication skills – Aspirants with good communication skills can make a difference to your company. Employees able to communicate in a better manner can make business pursuits or acquisitions. 
  3. Initiative & accountability of one’s work – He/she must be able to finish a task to the best of his/her ability and take responsibility for the same. This indicates a higher degree of competence in an employee.
  4. Fearless to take risks – Candidate must be motivated to take risks, challenge their dynamism and creativity by undertaking tasks outside their comfort zone.
  5. Problem-solving skills – He/she should possess the potential to manage difficult situations, develop innovative solutions for any type of barriers or project issues. 
  6. Honest – Must be sincere, honest and perseverance. He/she must be able to garner appreciation for the work and earn respect for the work ethics.
  7. Personal credibility & integrity – Hunt for candidates whom you can trust and who can complete tasks without compromising with your company’s standards or policies.
  8. Team player – Must be able to work as a team and exchange inputs with team members, improve communication, develop understanding and create a positive impact. 
  9. Ability to build rapport – Should possess a pleasing personality & friendly nature, be able to gain trust and develop a rapport with colleagues from other departments as well. 
  10. Capable of multitasking – Look out for a candidate who has the potential to multitask as it can improve their work efficiency, time management and productivity. 
  11.  Aware of self- strength – A recruiter should look for an aspirant who is mindful of his/her strengths and is able to utilise them whenever required. 
  12.  Ambitious – Consider an applicant who has the goal of getting stronger and smarter throughout his career as it enables them to achieve more in the workplace. 
  13.  Capability to think independent – Look out for people who are smart enough to brainstorm ideas, share opinions and do not require spoon-feeding.
  14.  Proactive – Proactive employees need not be told what needs to be done. They quickly jump into action if they find a way to help the project/colleague. 
  15.  Goal-oriented – People with a goal to reach a higher position in career are likely to work hard to achieve it which directly or indirectly contributes to the company’s growth.
  16.  Organisational skills – Well-organised aspirant would update and prioritise to-do list, organise inbox, keep track of important documents and project management.
  17.  Company awareness – He/she must be aware of the primary goal of the organisation, nature of the business, and day-to-day operations. 
  18.  Ability to work under pressure – This is the most crucial factor. Look for someone who can stay calm and complete the projects in with the given tight deadlines. 
  19.  Leadership quality – The applicant must be able to motivate colleagues, manage things effectively, especially while assigning tasks & setting a deadline. 
  20.  Listening skills – Best candidate listen twice as they speak. Active listening, ability to ask relevant and pointed questions is a core feature required for successful completion of the task. 
  21.  Time management skills – People judicious with time know how to shift priorities, are able to plan their schedule their tasks and organise their day-to-day activities.
  22.  Willingness to learn new things – Should be flexible and all set to learn new things that comes on his/her way and stay updated. 
  23.  Punctuality – He/she must be punctual to office, meetings or appointments, get an early start on tasks and meet due dates. 
  24.  Positive attitude – The aspirant must have a positive attitude, cheerful and confident in every challenging situation. 
  25.  Flexibility – Must be able to adapt to various circumstances, people and handle unforeseen events with a sense of grace and calm. 

Finding a person who possesses a unique combination of soft and hard skills, in addition to great behaviour can add sense to your company and contribute to its growth.

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